Reykjavik Summer of Cool Logic 2024 (SCooL 2024)

Schedule for GandALF

Reykjavik Summer of Cool Logic 2024 (SCooL 2024), Reykjavik 10-21/6 2024

  Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-9:20 Registration    
9:20-9:30 Welcome - opening    
9:30-10:30 Invited talk
Azalea Raad. Bug Detection at Scale
Invited talk
Kim G. Larsen. Shielded Reinforcement Learning for Safe and Optimal Cyber Physical Systems
Invited talk
Bernd Finkbeiner. Hyperproperties: the exciting world beyond k-hypersafety
10:30-11:00 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
11:00-11:30 Shaull Almagor and Ishai Salgado. Jumping Automata Must Pay, slides Dylan Leveille and Jason Jaskolka. A Game-Theoretic Approach for Security Control Selection, slides Invited talk
Brigitte Pientka. Mechanizing Session-Types: Challenges and Lessons Learned
11:30-12:00 Mathieu Lehaut and Nir Piterman. Adding Reconfiguration to Zielonka’s Asynchronous Automata, slides Stephan Spengler. Reachability and Safety Games under TSO Semantics, slides Invited talk
Brigitte Pientka. Mechanizing Session-Types: Challenges and Lessons Learned
12:00-13:30 Lunch break Lunch break Lunch and end
13:30-14:00 Jan Martens and Anton Wijs. An Evaluation of Massively Parallel Algorithms for DFA Minimization, slides Linda Feeken and Martin Fränzle. Towards the Usage of Window Counting Constraints in the Synthesis of Reactive Systems to Reduce State Space Explosion, slides  
14:00-14:30 Ravi Keerthan, B Srivathsan, R Venkatesh and Sagar Verma. Deterministic Suffix-reading Automata Renato Acampora, Dario Della Monica, Luca Geatti, Nicola Gigante, Angelo Montanari and Pietro Sala. Synthesis of Timeline-Based Planning Strategies Avoiding Determinization, slides  
14:30-15:00 Xiaolong Liang and Yì Nicholas Wáng. Epistemic Skills: Logical Dynamics of Knowing and Forgetting, slides Emanuele Chini, Pietro Sala, Andrea Simonetti and Omid Zare. Reactive Synthesis for Expected Impacts  

Room: M103
The room is on the ground floor (1st floor) of the building. Maps of the building can be found here.

Dinner and social event

The dinner takes place on Wednesday at Nauthóll, which is close to Reykjavik University, there. It will start at 19:00.

On Thursday we will go on a whale watching tour starting from the Old Harbour of Reykjavik at 17:00. We will meet at this place at 16:30. The tour lasts approximately 3 hours.